Dancing is a wonderful sport and art. It benefits the dancer and the spectator to master the technique of good dancing. Never was the elegance of correct position in dancing more important than today when the smooth walking type of the dances is varied with Toddle steps and Waltz dips. The woman who is incorrectly held cannot with grace or facility follow the leading of her partner and this deficiency in the instruction of the art of dancing is more pronounced since there is no striking new dance to attract the eye.
Nothing makes dancing more fatiguing and difficult than absence of balance and an awkward, vulgar position. No man can lead efficiently if bending too far back, as this throws the body out of line, and no woman can move gracefully and follow the changes of figures who has not unrestricted freedom of movement.
The right hand of the man should never pass higher than the waist of the lady and should only rest there lightly, as the guiding is done through the right arm which is slightly raised to support the lady and present a more graceful appearance.
His left arm should be raised to the extent of describing a right angle from the body with the elbow slightly bent. Leading is done with either hand; in turning to the left, the left hand guides and the right supports, and the right hand turns are indicated by the right arm. The man may greatly assist his partner by slightly, very slightly, turning the body and arm in the new direction desired.
The lady places her left hand lightly on the back of the man so that he may have perfect freedom in his leading, at the same time giving the lady the correct position. Her right hand she places lightly in the hand of her partner and she takes her position slightly to the left so that the center line of her body is opposite the right side of her partner.
This position will permit a straight forward walking step with her left foot without contact with the right foot of her partner. The lady should never rest heavily on the arm of her partner nor expect him to hold up her right hand, but retain her position as if dancing alone yet co-operate by quickly following the slightest hint of leading from her partner.
Formerly the position of the foot was rather of an outward angle from the heel and the heels brought together at the end of each step but now the direction of the foot is almost straight and the heels never meet.
If too much appears to have been said about the elegance of position and form, the coming season will reveal the truth of these remarks and one who takes up these new ideas will be quite prepared to do the latest and smartest thing in dancing. Balance, which is so vastly important, means placing the balance of weight of the body on the foot which has just finished the step. This immediately frees the other foot for the coming step, without however moving it.
If you tire easily from dancing which should be a delightful healthy exercise or cannot make quick changes of direction, practise at home, watching carefully to see if you always change the weight to the foot just finish the step before commencing a new step.
This change of weight does not indicate hopping, for no motion should be visible but it is essential, especially in any gliding step, to retain the smooth, flowing appearance. The weight should always be on the ball of the foot, leaving the heels, which should not be lifted from the floor, free to execute any turn or pivot.
Once the above positions and correct balance for dancing have been mastered, the real fun of it all can be entered into. Enjoy!