
It's scary you know that much

It's scary you know that much.

Hell with letting the public in my life. I would go play all of the tournaments that I usually play and just take the BS and the checks from winning and my sponsors. The public will just have to get over it. My life isn't their business, bottom line. -- John Braxton (Kansas)

Unless he apologizes, publicly, he can forget signing any significant new sponsors. He might as well be wearing an anthrax suit. Nobody will touch him until then, unless it's GoDaddy.

Why are Nike and the rest of them standing by Tiger? What kind of message are they sending? Tiger screwed up and needs to learn the hard way not to do it again. Once he has cleaned up his act, they can re-sign him. I will not support those companies and will not be buying their products! -- Jim Carroll (St. Augustine, Fla.)

These companies are in a very sticky situation. Yes, it's awkward now to have Tiger Woods' name on their product. In fact, it's misery. But this guy will be back. I will bet my house and yours that he will be back better than ever someday. He will start winning everything in sight again. He will thump Jack Nicklaus' record of 18 majors. He will blow by Sam Snead's PGA wins record of 82. He will figure out his life and be the comeback story of the next decade. And if they dump him now, he'll sign with their rivals. I'm not saying it's morally right, I'm saying it's reality.

Your recent comments regarding Tiger Woods were rather pathetic, stating "to bring down someone as powerful and private ..." What a crock; the fact is that Tiger brought down Tiger! If he truly were private, he would not have been chasing and carousing and cheating on his wife. This has nothing to do with being human and everything to do with being faithful, honest, and having integrity especially with his wife and children. Someone once said that with great power comes great responsibility. Tiger has failed miserably in this regard and you reap what you sow. -- Bob Moline (Pittsford, N.Y.)

I guess. But this man has been hung by his thumbs all over the world for almost a month now. He has gone from one of the most respected and honored people in the world to a laughingstock. Yes, he cheated and, allegedly, in epic proportions, but just a little reminder: He didn't rape anybody. He didn't kill anybody. He didn't rob, beat or shoot anybody. He committed acts of infidelity with willing women. Nobody's been this publicly pilloried since Hester Prynne.

Bill Clinton disgraced America, but Tiger devastated millions of adoring kids, including me and I'm 68. - Ken Pierce (McKinney, Texas)

Really? At 68? You can be "devastated" by a guy having extramarital sex? Do you even HAVE cable?

Like they said on the old "The X-Files" television series: "Believe the lie." And we sure did, didn't we? -- Dave Conlon (Ann Arbor, Mich.)

We did but we had so little choice. Woods was so intensely guarded, gave such shallow interviews, allowed so few people into his life, we were all just stuck with such limited views of him -- the glorious image on the golf course, the heroic images on his ads ("I AM Tiger Woods") and that really cute Christmas card.

And it wasn't just us. The PGA Tour jumped on board with both feet. And now they've got a problem: A Tiger Woods Scorched Earth Tour with no Tiger Woods. "You can't ever build your whole house on one brick," said PGA Tour star Tom Lehman. "That's what the Tour did. You can't really blame them. It's kind of a Catch-22. You can have a guy that is SO good and makes things SO much better, it's like everybody else doesn't exist. But now what? The Tour has to try to market some of the other really good players it has. It has to try to build a house of cards that doesn't fall apart when one card falls, but I don't know. It might be too late."

I am 22 years old and have been a fan of Tiger's since he burst onto the professional golf scene in 1996. He was the reason I first picked up a golf club. I will never view him the same. No longer will I shrug off his profanities and temper on the golf course or his lack of connection with the fans who have given him so much and always stand by him. I suppose this is why they say you should never meet your heroes. -- Ryan Levine

Not always. If your hero was, say, Peyton Manning, you'd be delighted.

How much are we all LOVING [Phil] Mickelson right now? -- JK (Carlsbad, Calif.)

Mickelson hasn't made a single public comment of condemnation, nor support. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

